Aarya Patil Week 3: Harmonizing as One


    Music is known to be a universal language of communication and has the ability to bring people together. It can spark a conversation, and help you meet new people, especially due to its diversity. You can powerfully express yourself through music, and generally, somebody’s music taste can capture their true unique personality. Additionally, it can encapsulate the essence of a country, such as the sweet melodies of classical Indian music, the quick energetic beats of  Latin salsa, or the rhythms of African drumming. This can also allow musicians from different backgrounds to collaborate together in order to fuse different genres of music; one example being Hindi songs combined with English songs. These collaborations can promote unity and bring different cultures together, as they appreciate the genuine melodies of music. 

Furthermore, music is a way for many artists to express themselves. They utilize lyrics to reflect back on their life and convey hard feelings, experiences, and memories. Listeners are able to connect with and really resonate with songs, as they may mirror their own life, and allow their problems to be heard. Lyrics can convey stories and deep messages that may be hard to speak about in real life. An article states that “Music can provide a healthy outlet for emotional expression, allowing you to explore complex inner thoughts that you may not be able to put into words yourself.” This further shows how music impacts self-identity and can highly influence our daily lives. 

Some people do not listen to music and have other ways of comforting or entertaining themselves. I personally find listening to music deeply relaxing and enjoy analyzing some of my favorite songs to get the real meaning out of them. Music plays a big role in my life, as I’ve gotten close with many people and started off conversations with the topic of music. It is not only a form of entertainment, but also a representation of who we are as people, and it brings a diverse group of people together. 

Music As A Source Of Comfort In Difficult Times - Harmony & Healing.


  1. Hi Aarya! Many people---including myself---will often view music as just something people do either for fun, as a hobby, or as a job, but we often don't consider the cultural and communal effects music has worldwide, and I feel like your blog post did a perfect job of explaining that. Fusion of different cultures' musics is something I never previously considered and a tool that could be used for unification until I read it in this post. It's interesting how powerful it can be, and how music is much more than just concerts and things like that. I also liked how you put in your own personal opinion on music towards the end, giving reason as to why this is something you would enjoy writing about. The conclusion ended the blog post well, and your quotes were relevant to the topic. Great job!

  2. Hi Aarya! I often feel the deep importance of music in the cultural and emotional aspects of our lives is overlooked. You did an excellent job of depicting the vitality music holds through your descriptive and detailed language. Your structure helped clearly organize your topic with two main points and a productive conclusion. Using your personal experiences helped to resonate with people in the audience who feel the same. Specific words and phrases such as " classical melodies", "quick energetic beats" and "rhythms" to describe music. enhanced your writing and helped emphasize the diversity of music. Overall, I thought your post was really well-written, with clear points supported with concise evidence.

  3. Hi Aarya! I agree that music is a language of communication that can create a diverse community but can also shape one’s true personality. The language of this kind of communication can help people express their part in life which impacts their self-identity. It’s interesting how you tie music to something that plays a big role in your life allowing you to form connections with others. Your blog makes me feel joyous and excited to know how you also find music as something that unifies different cultures together. I sing Carnatic Music, and that gives me the opportunity to connect with my culture despite not knowing how to speak my own language. I definitely think your blog is descriptive and detailed that makes the reader engaged through the aspects how music ties to identity.

  4. Hi Aarya! I agree on how music really does bring people together. I especially love how you included vivid diction and imagery such as "the quick energetic beats of Latin salsa" and "the rhythms of African drumming." It is definitely interesting and impressive how musicians collaborate together and create different genres of music. Lyrics really do resonate with the listeners as well which is definitely one of the reasons why people all across the world love to listen to music. I definitely agree with the article on how music is an outlet for emotional expression. I personally love really like music and listen to it all the time. It certainly promotes unity as we love to connect to people with the same music taste as us. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog!


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