Siddarth Kamath Week 3: Your Passion, Your Identity, Your Future

Your Passion, Your Identity, Your Future

   In a world of computers, AI, and the technological revolution, we as humans may seem pretty insignificant. As a human being we are meant to control AI and make a difference between each other (from human to human) and use technology to benefit ourselves (from technology to human). As an example of the technology to human aspect, scientists have worked on devices to help with hearing and in terms of saving lives, developed medicines which would be near impossible without the benefit of technology. From human to human, we are focused on making relationships that may help one or multiple of the people in the inert bond. Companies and large technological companies are trying to control our human traits and characteristics through ads and other types of media, though what actually makes a difference?

    One way of framing this question is as follows: what should we listen to when making our crucial decision on who we are as we grow up? This question can be answered in many ways such as relying on technology and the trends in social media to define who you are (group) or trying to find what you want to be (singular). To be most successful, according to The University of Arizona website, is to be passionate in your work. This means not using external sources such as the popular chatGPT and focusing on writing your work by yourself. This strategy will not only help in growing a healthier habit but will help to be independent and generate the desire to thrive in a larger environment. As a result of following this technique, the human body will be accustomed to following what is truly felt by the person at hand, creating an ever-lasting identity.

    As technology expands into the well known human spectra, we as humans have to make a decision. As Arizona State University says, though it may be hard and that the passion will be ever changing, it can make a difference and create a better future. Through continual effort, and setting goals, your identity itself can be shifted. These qualities that drive passion will also support the journey of finding your identity and enjoying who you are. As a result, your identity and passion will play a large role in the future of all the humans who make this inevitable choice.

Works Cited

Is it important to be passionate about your work?. Is It Important to Be Passionate About Your Work? | Arizona Alumni. (n.d.).


  1. Hi Siddarth! Your blog’s structure is unique and interesting and accurately represents the consequences of an AI-driven society, which has the potential to restructure our perception of the world’s working order. I agree with a multitude of the claims that you present, especially how you assert the implications that AI can have on our interests. Individuals of various age groups use AI tools to complete tasks that they consider to be menial. The misuse of AI has led to a widely acknowledged fear of AI among individuals—conveniently overlooking the positive impact that AI can have in the medical field. AI can be a potential backbone of the medicine industry by providing the diagnoses and interventions needed at certain times for all people, making the diagnosis process simpler and more reliable. This drastic improvement in medicine can boost global health and serve as a reminder of what AI can accomplish for the betterment of society. Your particular focus for your blog is the exemplification of the differences between AI and humans in terms of passion and interest in the actions that we do. Passion is what separates us from nonliving things; to outwardly display this passionate feeling, we need to have a liking for the action itself. This interest is what propels us to certain activities in our individual lives and what sets us apart from the growing AI community.

  2. Hey Siddarth! Your topic was an exceptional read. Formulating a question before proceeding to answer it helped enhance your blog and provided a clear structure, where I was not struggling to identify your main points. Referencing information from the University of Arizona was a smart idea as it brought credibility and defined the importance of your topic. Social media ads are becoming extremely clever in influencing people. Due to innovative technologies, I could be seeing dog videos on my instagram for you page, and receive dog food ads from YouTube the next day, creating an extremely effective campaign for me to make purchases. The severity of these ads makes it imperative to, as you said, "make a decision," about letting AI influence and control important aspects of our life. Statements like these emit an urgent and declarative tone excellently and efficiently communicating your point. One of my favorite parts of your blog was how you not only identified a prominent problem in our society, but you also gave reasonable solutions that each individual can regularly apply.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Siddarth! I enjoy how this blog captures the reader’s attention on how AI impacts people of the world. It makes me feel further invested in reading about understanding how to create a better future by relying less on AI to do the work for you. The use of an informative and direct tone to convince the reader about the validity of the point makes me feel motivated to set goals by using my passion in order to build my identity from my own efforts. It reminds me of how as technology advances, humans are dragged towards the trap of whether to put their life at risk by relying on social media to reach your goals or by working to put continual effort to achieve them. I find it interesting how AI can shift your identity and play a role in reducing your passion to do work by yourself. Your blog effectively raises awareness on AI’s impact on people’s identity and I recommend emphasizing on the credibility of the website you referred to in order to further build trustworthiness with the audience.


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