Aishwarya Week 7: The Festival that Brings Language to Light

Diwali 2022 Rangoli Designs: Make your home beautiful with these amazing  Rangoli designs - India Today

Photo by India Today.

A tiny spark of fire waves to me in front of the door reminding me of an upcoming event. I find that the vision of the tiny spark carries so much importance in ways that send me into a festive mood.

Every lamp I see reminds me of the cultural traditions that are followed in Diwali. These traditions include the exciting feeling of wearing churidars; the ringing sounds of bangles on your arm; the intricate and meaningful designs of rangoli, and the warm greetings among families with exchanges of sweets.

The start of Diwali begins with encountering beautiful messages in designs of flowers made with powder that greet families in people's houses. This particular language helps convey a greeting and a sense of love for one’s culture. It is the idea that these designs allow families of certain cultures to express their identity in America through a language of art.

When families come to visit people’s houses, the warm messages of being gifted sweets fill the place with love and goodwill. I find it unique how these traditions in India continue to carry importance in America. The use of gift exchanges and the creation of rangoli designs are types of languages used to express one’s cultural identity by following traditions that bring families together. Reflecting on the traditions that use languages to communicate with others, I find that the warmth of the fire reflects on the warm messages of gift exchanges and the beauty of its glowing effect reflects the language of rangoli designs. 


  1. Hi Aishwarya! This was a very sweet blog to read as it made me reflect on how my family celebrates it. The use of vivid imagery such as " the ringing sounds of bangles on your arm; the intricate and meaningful designs of rangoli, and the warm greetings among families with exchanges of sweets" makes your blog stronger and adds a unique voice to your blog. You are definitely right on how Diwali celebrates coming together and celebrating our culture by wearing rich clothing and accessories and lighting up fireworks. Every year for Diwali, my family visits another house wearing our finest clothing and bangles. We end up taking many pictures to look back on later. Your blog was very heartwarming and made me appreciate this holiday more. Good job!

  2. Hello Aishwarya! Your descriptive language in the introduction of the blog serves to strengthen your sharing of the cultural values that are shared during the Diwali festival. You provide an adequate background of the festive season to ensure a common ground of understanding for the readers of various backgrounds of people who may read the blog. I appreciate your choice of vocabulary that exemplifies the thought that goes behind the planning of such a festival as Diwali.
    Interestingly, you connect the usage of language to physical beauty in flowers which lead to different interpretations of developed and meaningful messages. You connect the significance of expressing a unique culture despite the location that we may currently reside in. You convey the festive mood as a language of art that designs have the potential to represent. I like the way you have structured the blog itself by containing many hypothetical scenarios of the possible events that may happen in the festival of lights: Diwali.
    The connection between the tradition of Diwali and its subsequent effects on language is profound and intriguing. The image that you include provides clarity on the types of decorations that may be present in the festival. This clarification is meaningful in revealing the detail that goes into forming such art. The subject matter that you have chosen to discuss holds importance from a social standpoint; your personal experiences add a unique touch to the overall image of the Diwali festival.

  3. Hi Aishwarya! Even though I don't celebrate Diwali you did a great at describing each element down to the sounds each element of the celebration make. The vivid description of "ringing sound" to the "warm greetings" provide a setting and atmosphere for which Diwali is described as. The unique stye of perspective writing creates a unique vibe to your vlog. From what I can piece together, Diwali is warm-hearted holiday which families meet together with the wearing of rich clothing paired with the boom of fireworks. The connection between the festival and the impact of language is interesting. The overall structure provides great readability and comprehensibility. Your blog is very intriguing, and I learned a lot about his holiday.


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