Mahesh - Week 7: Starting with the Fundamentals

   Mahesh - Week 7: Starting with the Fundamentals

    Prejudice. The most extensive internal problems caused in American society result from this idea, spanning centuries and lasting well into the modern day. Although America is called the hotspot for liberty and equality, this ideology may not always hold. America is honored on a global forum for its openness to immigrants and for overcoming strictly traditional views of nativism. However, is this praise well deserved, recalling the various degrees of prejudice?

    Take, for example, the narrative of America Ferrara (, a young woman in the film industry who wished to become successful through hard work and determination. Is that not the ideal representation of the American Dream that exists within every American citizen? Ferrara displayed continuous effort and willpower in her audition; however, she was scorned due to her race and skin tone. In this way, the American Dream has locked out too many individuals, like a safe without a key. I believe that the American Dream should be understood and pursued by every individual; on top of that, the government should reduce the prevalence of race when determining one’s qualifications.

    Although discussing a collective interpretation of the prejudice existing within American society is beneficial to determine our wrongdoings, it is crucial to expound upon the meaningful actions we can take to undermine the role of prejudice in American culture. Some actions we impart upon others may sound unimportant; however, each kind greeting can have a profound ripple effect on others. Therefore, it is meaningful to consider the values gained from destroying prejudice in American society and how we plan to accomplish this goal. Gratitude is the most significant force of acknowledgment that we can bestow upon each other—regularly practicing this action can inspire a kind effect on others. Showing each other our appreciation can counteract the negativity caused by prejudice.


Bria, Paula, and Pesce, Agustina. “Prejudice and discrimination in Argentina.”, Accessed 15 November 2023.


  1. Hey Mahesh! I think using America Ferrera and her experiences as an example was a smart idea, as your audience is familiar with her due to other AP Lang assignments. The "American Dream" was also a concept you mentioned that holds the same degree of familiarity within your audience. You used the versatility in opinion the American Dream holds to your advantage and created a solid introduction to your main point. I also noticed your use of questions to instigate the audience's thought process, and accurately identify the key issue being discussed. Prejudice in America is a broad topic with much room for discussion, but through the usage of specific examples you were able to avoid overcomplicating your thoughts. I really appreciated your format of expressing the tremendous impact of an issue, before introducing simple and accessible solutions to your audience. This was the highlight of your blog, and enhanced the already interesting and enjoyable read you produced. Great job!

  2. Hi Mahesh, looking back on America Ferrera's experiences as an example helps connect the audience of primarily APENG students to the subject given our analysis and viewing of her TED talk. Previously in this cohort the idea of the widespread perception of the "American Dream." I think I it is important to point out the downfall of the so called "hotspot for liberty" as this raises awareness to the problems and creates a desire for change. Prejudice, in America especially, is so very complicated, however you did a great job at boiling down and showing the connections of each of the aspects. The formatting provided an easy to read but an informative blog.


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