Patrick Chou Week 8: The new kid on the block

    We often think of the U. S's military consisting of large expensive jets and battleships. However,a transformative era has been born with the integration of AI and machine learning being integrated into military applications. OLeading the charge Andruil, a company focusing on the software aspect of dispensable weapons. 

    Anduril's mission is to contribute to the advancement of defense technology with a focus on the application of AI in military applications. The company aims to innovate solutions to enhance the capabilities of defense through mor advanced weapons. Their products include a range of product which take advantage of computer vision, and complex sensor integration. These systems are designed to address challenges of long distance and laborious tasks such as surveillance and reconnaissance. 

    Distinguishing itself from the industry leaders like Lockhead and Raytheon is its use of its propriety "Lattice" system, a networked sensor platform that utilizes AI for analyses of data and decision making. With their newest product coming out the Roadrunner an anti-air missle, it reflects Anduril's core message as it uses high complexity software to decide which missile should attack out of a network of missies. This differs from the current technology as missiles can be canceled mid-flight and by having multiple loitering munitions in the sky it exponentially increases the effectiveness of the interception.

   Road runner loitering munition 

    With this new and upcoming technology, America's innovation in the defense sector placing on par with its counter parts like Russia and China. This new format of freelanced innovation has allowed for the hyper acceleration of its technologies. This collaborative approach helps ensure that the technology meets specific needs and requirements of the industry.

    Adnuril's collaborative methodology ensues that its technology can meet up to the standard of the industry. This inclusive approach not only fosters innovation but develops cutting-edge technologies.

    Though the deployment of advance surveillance and AI tech raises concerns, Anduril addresses these concerns though a responsible approach with both being mindful of the ethical standards, and coding in safety persuasions. In these up-and-coming years, the development and integration of AI will be very interesting.


  1. Hi Patrick! I appreciate your integration of current events in the technological world and the military culture that is engendered in the United States. I feel that there is a heavy emphasis on the strength of the American military and the advanced nature of the weapons that the military possesses. Your attitude toward addressing the audience’s possible misconceptions about the U.S. military strengthens your perspective on the issue. By acknowledging many industry leaders who are pursuing AI development to drive military decisions, you build your credibility as a knowledgeable author who considers the multitude of opinions surrounding the upsurge of AI use to aid military technology.
    Then, you delve into the variety of products and techniques that stem from the leadership of famous forerunners in each industry; a fundamental component of your argument is that the complexity of missile software continues to increase, especially considering the constantly evolving nature of machine learning and artificial intelligence. An intriguing aspect of your blog is how you encounter and deal with the abstract concepts that compose the development of AI and in a broader sense, technology itself.
    You mention the presence of innovation and creativity behind every methodology devised in the twenty-first century. By also including a counterargument, you dissipate the dissension caused by the ethical consideration that may arise when dealing with the usage of AI in military technology.

  2. Hey Patrick! Artificial intelligence has taken every industry by a storm to the point where it is being integrated into our military defense systems. The United States of America has the largest military in the world with $801 billion dollars of United States funds going to the military. Personally, I think that while the safety of U.S. citizens is important, the amount of money being spent towards it is extremely excessive. There are much more pressing issues in the United States such as homelessness and unemployment. So, technologies from companies like Andruil have the potential to either increase or reduce this cost. A progression in something that holds as much importance as the U.S. military has influences worldwide, and I like how you included this, specifically considering China and Russia, two of the United States largest competitors. When you mentioned multiple companies such as Andruil, Lockhead, and Raytheon it contributed to convincing the truly widespread. Furthering this convincing theme, is the addition of an example of a new anti-air missile, that uses "high complexity software to decide which missile should attack out of a network of missiles," Roadrunner from Andruil. Including a counter argument was smart, as it gave you an opportunity to negate any doubts your audience may have formed. Overall, I think it is pertinent to discuss the development of these companies and their products as they are the future of every industry. You did an amazing job creating a convincing argument through various evidence and persuasive techniques such as a counter argument.

  3. Hi Patrick! I think it's really interesting that you show so much interest in the US Military and their investments in terms of technology. It's very true that many people, including myself, automatically assume that military spending is primarily for weapons rather than defense measures. While the US still spends staggering amounts of money on deadly weapons, it's reassuring to see that money is being spent on defense as well. I think it's really innovative that they are incorporating AI into defense technology so soon, given that it's still advancing at such a rapid pace. You described their operations in great detail, and it makes me want to learn more about these defense projects in general. Great job!

  4. Hi Patrick! I enjoy how your blog was informative through a chronological progression of introducing the integration of AI and machine learning into military applications. This blog really intrigued me on how the company Anduril is using a “Lattice” system to deploy a Roadrunner anti-air missile. This new AI software for deciding which missile should attack reminds me of the UAV drones used to detect wildfires by releasing fire retardants to reduce the spread of a fire. The software ties to how UAV drones also use AI technology to benefit from improving autonomous capabilities and enhancing decision-making processes. Although this new technology does raise concerns, it’s good to know that the United States is also spending money on defensive measures. It would be definitely interesting if you incorporate how AI technology with particular weapons could intersect with UAV drones.


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