Sana Thakkar Week 8: Hollywood's Global Influence


    The room darkens, and all focus shifts to a singular light. Suddenly, you find yourself at 4 Privet Drive with obnoxious screaming from a large angry man, and a quiet boy with an odd scar on his head. Before you know it, you're in a high-speed car chase with a man named Ethan Hunt, who is driving a sleek black BMW off of a cliff, while somehow assuring you of your survival. A loud squeal later, you are in a fashionable New York City apartment with a women who claims to be a thirteen year old stuck in a thirty year old's body. 

    From "Harry Potter" and "Mission Impossible" to "13 going on 30",  Hollywood creates immersive worlds, transporting its audience into an exciting and enticing experience. The U.S. film industry has affirmed its rightful place on the world stage, creating rippling effects in societies globally, allowing the dominance of American pop culture since the mid-twentieth century. 

    Disney, one of Hollywood's most notable studios, taught the world the power of storytelling through a plethora of vibrant stories, inspiring individuals, through their comedic timing, and motivational dialogue combined with aesthetically entrancing backgrounds. Walt Disney was the first of his time to introduce joyous cartoons that influenced film in generations to come. Starting with a simple mouse, he created a magical empire filled with stories that not only instigated feelings of love and happiness, but taught important life lessons, spreading his influence in every possible way. Eventually, Disney theme parks were created, where people could become a part of Disney's fantastical world. Currently, there are six Disney parks in L.A., Orlando, Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, known as the happiest and most magical places on earth, simply because they are where stories come to life. People can meet the famous Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Minnie Moue, Daisy Duck, Goofy, and other Disney characters, visit Sleeping Beauty's Castle, and most importantly view the renowned Disney parade. Through these various attractions, Disneyland becomes a truly majestical place, creating a historical impact, and shaping the childhood of multiple aspirational children. 
    The world's largest and most powerful superheroes were born in Hollywood, and more specifically, Marvel Studios. For years, the sixteen Avengers, most notably, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, and Spiderman were responsible for inspiriting people to embody courage and righteousness through their dangerous and daring adventures to save the world. Marvel's advanced VFX and special effects create groundbreaking and revolutionary films that become extremely convincing of reality. 

     The U.S. film industry has revolutionized numerous minds and societies globally, creating an escape from every-day life. Through the art of film-making, Hollywood has inspired the world to never forget, "laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever" (Walt Disney).


  1. Hi Sana! I like how you decided to write about Hollywood in your blog, I didn’t think about how important they are to the history of the US. They produced so many good movies including the ones you listed. I like how you started out your blog by describing the dimming of lights in the movie theater to mentioning parts of famous movies. It was a good way to get the reader immersed into your blog. I also like how you used language like “plethora” to describe the amount of “vibrant” stories and the use of “joyous” to refer to the cartoons created by Walt Disney. I also like how you described the impact of Disney on the generations in detail through the many locations of their parks and some things visitors could experience at those parks. I also like how you mentioned that Hollywood also has global impacts which truly shows how important it has been to people all around the world.

  2. Hi Sana! I enjoy how your blog captures the magic of Hollywood and its impact on society. I also enjoy how you provide vivid descriptions of cinematic experiences from Harry Potter to stories from Disney, reminding me of my many childhood experiences at Disneyland. It reminded me of the time I took a picture with Mickey Mouse and the time I experienced a thrilling ride at a water park. This made me feel nostalgic and lifted my spirits about the amazing experiences in Hollywood that shaped my childhood and many others. I would recommend considering how Hollywood evolved and its responses to challenges in the industry. Overall, your blog was captivating in evoking the impact of entertainment in America.

  3. Hi Sana! I loved your imagery at the beginning of the blog post. The way you described three very distinct and unique movies and tied them all to each other under the shade of cinema was really nice. It is incredible how big of a force America is in the movie-making industry, and how its presence has been felt for the many decades since movies became a thing. I think it's interesting that we are starting to see a bit more mainstream film come from other countries like Japan and the Scandinavian countries. The film industry is definitely internationally expanding more so now than it ever has before. That being said, America is still definitely the biggest country in terms of film as of yet. I like how you used Walt Disney because he is the perfect example of an American film pioneer who carved the path for so many filmmakers after him.

  4. Hi Sana! I really like the use of imagery at the beginning of your blog. It was a unique way of telling a story, which draws the reader into a whirlwind of cinematic experience, from the trending movies and settings you described. The transition from one movie reference to another was strong and created an engaging dynamic that truly captured the overall impact of Hollywood on American culture. The chaotic scenes of “Mission Impossible” or the world of “Harry Potter” allow the reader to visualize and experience the excitement surrounding these movies. Additionally, I like how you provided the influence of Hollywood on a large scale. The emphasis on the contributions of Disney and Marvel showcases how impactful Hollywood has truly been on American society. The quote from Walt Disney also adds a touch of nostalgia, which helps strengthen the overall topic of the blog. The division of the different aspects of Disney and Marvel was sharp and effective. Overall, your blog allowed me to reminisce and remember some of my all-time favorite movies, and the creators behind them. Good job!


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