Anushka Reddy Week 8: Fast Fashion's Influence on America


    Most people believe the definition of fast fashion is the style or speed of the garment. However, it is a term meant to define the many unethical means of production of many large fashion corporations today. America has faced great changes in its fashion brought about by fast fashion that transformed clothing consumption and shaped new ideas on culture. Fast fashion has made this brand an affordable luxury to the people because of its ability to replace the latest designs at such a quick pace.

    The cheapness and frequent change of trends has attracted Americans who now prefer “buy-and–discard” mentality. This leads to constant purchases with cupboards bursting with garments that are barely worn once and thrown away. Firstly, this consumer behavior does not only cause a range of environmental concerns but also throws up moral quandary in case of industry concern.

    Fast fashion also has a significant impact on the environment. The manufacture of textiles causes massive textile waste as well as an immense level of pollution and depletion of resources, especially in their excessive usage of natural resources. As such, reports regarding unfair payment of workers to low wages in some offshore factories where these clothes are made have been raised and questions about paying decent salaries as well as conducive environments for workers have attracted attention.

    America cannot deny that fast fashion has definitely made its impact in the country. Nevertheless, it transcends the superficial beauty and asks important queries relating to sustainability, ethical standards, and customer practices. With heightened cognizance, there is a ray of hope in an eco-friendly sector, marked by enduring ethics and considered consumption patterns, nurturing an environmentally aware, lasting fashion scene in anticipation of a better tomorrow.


  1. Hi Anushka! I am interested in how you divide the blog into different sections of arguments against the growing trend of fast fashion in America. It is noteworthy that although it will be a relatively easy choice for you to choose fast fashion as an option for attire, you choose to defend workers’ rights and the environmental concerns that may arise from such conduct. Such comprehension of the broader picture of the fashion industry aids to develop the audience’s understanding when considering the recent fashion trends.
    Many sectors of the audience may not be aware of the ethical standards and sustainability concerns that may arise from the continuity of the fast fashion trend. Your connection to the environmental detriment that such cheapness and change of trends inspire is relevant to today’s world, considering the rising presence of global warming as a worldwide threat to humanity’s existence. By including this excerpt as a crucial part of your blog, you ensure retaining the audience’s attention throughout the blogging experience.
    Your inclusion of a conclusion creates the ideal closing remarks to a subject of such magnitude that is passed over often in favor of engaging audience attention. Many news outlets do not favor the coverage of sensitive topics in favor of audience support and the advertising agencies that may oppose the distribution of such information.


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