Anushka Reddy Week 4: The Role and Influence of Slang in Modern Culture


    Slang is a type of informal language that frequently develops within particular social groups, subcultures, or communities. It is characterized by unusual words, phrases, or expressions. Recently, slang has become part of modern culture. It is more than just language; it is a reflection of social groups, identity, and cultural development. Slang essentially acts as a continuously developing and creative language for communities and people to express their unique identities. It offers a way for people, who belong to particular subcultures or societal niches, to create a special sense of community and connection. 

    Slang is used in various groups, an example is AAVE (African American Vernacular English). AAVE is a distinctive dialect that has its roots in African languages, English, and other linguistic influences. The first AAVE dialects were developed by African slaves as a means of communication, and over time AAVE developed from those dialects. Through AAVE, African Americans can interact with each other and strengthen their sense of belonging. AAVE slang is a reflection of the cultural pride of African Americans. AAVE slang has a great influence on culture, especially music and design. AAVE is frequently associated with "broken English." It is essential to understand that AAVE is a distinct language with its own set of grammar rules. 

    Slang is also used within gaming communities. Gamers often use different types of slang with each other, which helps form shared experiences and understanding. These slang or phrases used within the gaming community foster collaboration and teamwork, as well as community among gamers. Gamers from around the world can bond over their slang or specific words and phrases, even if they speak a different language. Using gaming slang not only helps others connect with each other but also reinforces their self-identification as gamers.

    In conclusion, slang is more than an informal way of speaking but instead, is its own unique language that individuals use in order to fit in and connect with each other. Slang plays an important role in tying people to their roots, establishing community, and reaffirming individual identities, whether it's the complex and distinctive language of AAVE within the African-American community or the flourishing gaming slang. 

The Evolution of Slang: How Colloquial Expressions Shape Modern Communication

The importance of AAVE for constructing a sense of identity and belonging

An Analysis of Use and Attitudes Towards Game Slang


  1. Hi Anushka! You did an awesome job at defining what slang is and explaining the implications of its usage. I found it really interesting how some groups will call the African American Vernacular English "broken English," but it does make sense because from an outside point of view, it could be very hard to understand and would have many grammatical differences from traditional English. It could be argued that Scots and Canadians tend to speak English in a "broken" way, but it is just a different dialect with different word usage. I wasn't previously aware that AAVE was considered to be an official dialect/language. Was this made official recently, and who gets to decide that? I like how you tied in gaming, something many people take part in, and the slang that goes along with it. That kind of jargon is something I use and is something I, as well as many other people, can relate to. Great job!

  2. Hi Anushka! You did great at boiling down such a broad topic into a concise and understandable blog. By calling the AAVE "broken English" is wrong as I think it is a sort of vernacular and that the groups that call it "broken English" are just those that do not understand it. I love how you dived into the history of the AAVE and how it originated. I also love how you integrate other aspects of slang and how it is used in order to communicate and identify with one another. I wish you provided some example of the slangs mentioned. Over all I enjoyed your blog post and I found it interesting.


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