Mahesh - Week 6: A Necessity for Consideration

 Mahesh - Week 6: A Necessity for Consideration

   America’s founding involves the concepts of diversity and differences between the members of the collective society of followers of the American Dream. The bilingual and multicultural environment we find ourselves in shapes our perceptions and political beliefs. The democratization of the political process is visible in the American voting system—with diverse personalities in our electoral process, we develop our knowledge of global events. 

    Becoming more knowledgeable on other cultures can enable American society to further encapsulate the realities of global issues within the workings of American political decisions. As the backbone of the Western world, the United States must uphold the moral values of liberty and equality. It is imperative that we, as American citizens, can reflect upon our political efficacy with pride. Political efficacy is the “belief that one’s civic participation leads to meaningful social change.” This thinking style is essential to the democratic processes that have built the foundations of American principles. As the demographics of American society shift, we must move to a more accepting outlook of individuals of all backgrounds.

    Diversity must become a key component of governmental procedures to ensure that the “Federal Government’s responsibility” is fulfilled. Issues that might be ongoing and critical to the future of the American public need a leader who can draw upon unique experiences and a diverse background that can help them drive their experiences toward the American nation’s well-being. Altogether, the American government should be able to represent its principles of inclusion by fostering cultural acceptance and encouraging the public to uphold that belief as a tenet of the nation. In a logical sense, the American government should be representative of American society, which is rich in cultural diversity and unique. Thus, racial and cultural diversity should become a natural part of American culture to combat the injustices of modern society. 

A possible resource recommending the positive outcomes that may result from creating a diverse environment can be found here: 


Sources:, www.    nt/. Accessed 23 October 2023., Accessed 23 October 2023.


  1. Hi Mahesh! Including the definition of political efficacy was extremely helpful and effective as I was not aware of the meaning. Considering political efficacy is a large point in your writing, my insufficient knowledge would have heavily impacted my overall understanding of your blog. It is also an effective device that definitely enhances your writing. I completely agree with the ideas you presented about the importance of America gaining knowledge from other cultures. Currently, I think the inclusion of diversity is occurring, but only at a face value. The pressing decisions are still being managed by traditional and outdated methods. I think the overall effectiveness of your persuasion is communicated through your clear reasoning and ability to get straight to the point. An individual in opposition with your topic would most likely fall subject to your undeniable argument, especially since any discussion relating to politics is highly controversial in America. I admire you for taking that risk and countering the stigma surrounding political conversations. I was entranced by how you were able to renovate and uniquely present a widely accepted yet controversial idea.

  2. Hi Mahesh! I like how you call people to action to ensure that diversity must be an important factor of the government. That makes sense considering that there are so many problems with prejudice against people simply for their race or culture. The hate crimes in the US due to the conflict in the Middle East is an unfortunate example of how people are being attacked simply for what culture they are a part of. I strongly agree that the government should represent the people, and with so many more immigrants and different cultures, America’s government should be able to reflect them. It would not make sense for the leaders of a whole country to not reflect the people they “govern” over. I also like the persuasive language you utilized to get your point across such as “must” to emphasize the urgency or “combat” to illustrate the dangers of injustice.

  3. Hi Mahesh! I think your blog effectively addresses the role that diversity plays in shaping American society and how it affects political decisions. Your ideas about the connection between diversity and “political efficacy” are very thought-provoking. I fully agree with the point you made about the importance of embracing diversity as a key aspect of our government procedures. Since America has a diverse population, it is important that our leaders, those who govern us, also reflect different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, in order to effectively run our society. By doing this, we can make sure that the decisions are not only made by one group of people but by a diverse group that reflects many different viewpoints. I like how you included the link which underlines the positive outcomes of creating a diverse environment. Additionally, the use of persuasive language made your argument stronger, and tied the key points together. Great job!

  4. Hi Mahesh! Your blog is articulate and has a formal tone that effectively conveys the idea of bringing an inclusive society by having a diverse range of people share their voice. This can have various individuals help expand our understanding of how to combat injustices in society. Your blog also brings a call to action for people from various cultural backgrounds to take a stand in bringing a change to society. This made me feel inspired to bring a diverse community together to actively speak for equality in order to not only ensure the true responsibility of the American government, but foster a cultural acceptance of the public. The idea of a multicultural environment also reminds me in a general sense of how people from different cultures and backgrounds have advocated for various issues that had a major impact on society. For instance, there was a women’s rights movement called the Suffragette Movement in the late 19th century that actively fought for the voting rights for women through activism from various cultural backgrounds within the U.S. and the United Kingdom. Politically, your blog effectively takes a stand on how a diverse community can also make a meaningful impact on other injustices of society by collectively bringing a call to action.


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