Week 4: People Change People


    Last weekend, I saw a recipe for Nutella iced coffee on Instagram, and decided to recreate it. I expertly combined the ingredients, altering the proportions to fit my preferences, while adding Nutella garnishes on the side of the cup. My coffee was exceptional. As I drank each sweet sip, I was overcome with a sense of nostalgia from my aunt who instigated my love for coffee among many of my other interests. In fact, I attribute a large part of my personality to be influenced by her. 

    I am a strong believer of the ideology that people change people. I would not be aware of some of my greatest passions if it were not for the people who introduced them to me. I received my love of Friends from my aunt; my love for Adele songs from my dad; and my love of helping others from my grandma. The complex interactions and relationships between humans provide room for ever changing self-realizations and growth. 


    Not all influences are good influences. Sometimes, a poor decision can be attributed to our distasteful choice in company. When we allow people into our lives, we indirectly give them the control to alter our thinking about various topics, making it vital to accept positive people and neglect negative tendencies.  

    Oftentimes, people do not realize the power their voice holds. Telling someone their shirt is pretty and telling someone their smile is ugly explore two different emotions that evoke the same intensity at which the person feels. In theory, we are a collection of the people around us; like sponges, we absorb every compliment, every insult, and make it a part of us. 


  1. Hi Sana! I really like how you start with a personal experience and tie it back to the ideology that people can influence people. The use of first person throughout your blog keeps a consistent flow of your belief on how each interaction can influence how one grows through their actions. It’s interesting how you transition from the idea that people can be influenced by others from the interactions with family relatives to realizing that people have a voice that can place an impact on how someone feels. The mentioning of how these two aspects impact people places a strong emphasis that every person we meet in life contributes to a change in our character. The blog post reminded me of how every moment I had in my childhood contributed to a positive change in myself. It reminded me of how my passion to sing came from my aunt and my love for celebrating cultural festivals came from my mom. This post made me feel nostalgic from the memory you had mentioned with your aunt as it reminded me of the fun moments I had with my aunt when we baked pizza. I really like how you ended the blog with a short metaphor on how sponges can relate to how humans can be easily influenced by others and I definitely think you could elaborate on how that connects to the overall idea of the blog.

  2. HI Sana! I was engaged and instantly hooked by the mention of food (I love food), that really resonated with me that the fact that we often absorb and change based on others. I love the first person blog style that really carries along the reader with your journey. When you listed out those that impacted you, It really made me reflect on the times that I had been impacted by my family members. For example, I can remember my drive for DIY and engineering from my father. I wish you could go more into depth on how we as people rub of and influence people. I do appreciate the small metaphor towards the end but I wish you expanded further on that.

  3. Hi Sana! I was immediately prompted to click on your blog when I read your title as it really caught my attention. Starting off with a personal experience is a great hook and made me want to keep reading. I absolutely love Nutella so I might have to try that recipe in my free time. I think your belief and mindset is very positive and very sweet to think about. It is true how we all influence each other which is the beauty of humankind. Your blog also made me reflect on the ways I have been influenced or impacted by the people in my life. It reminds me on how my love for certain cuisines and horror movies come from my mom while my interest in cars come from my dad. It is especially important on who you let into your life and close circle as we are easily influenced and would not want to make the wrong decision. Ending your blog with a powerful message such as how compliments or insults make a big impact on others, make me want to start spreading more positivity out to the world and people in my life to make their day better. The metaphor you used at the end comparing humans to sponges, is an interesting way to look at it and makes the concept much easier to understand. I also love the picture you added, you were adorable as a kid! Overall, I really enjoyed reading this blog and hearing about your beliefs and thoughts.


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